Our Projects

High-Integrity Carbon Removal with environmental and social co-benefits.

Our projects are developed and monitored according to the Global Artisan C-Sink Standard by Carbon Standards International (CSI). We collect comprehensive data up to the final C-Sink, which is verified by CSI before we receive the credit. We are proud users of the PlantVillage dMRV App. The observatory team of PlantVillage adds another layer of trust, since they take over verification of production and application surveys to avoid conflict-of-interest.

Every batch is monitored.

We collect the following data from the ground:

Basics: Date of production, Kiln ID, Batch ID, Geo-Location
Biomass: Biomass used, Humidity content, Image of Biomass
Production: Images of Pyrolysis, Biochar measurement, Sampling

Every C-Sink
is traced.

We collect the following data from the ground:

Basics: Batch ID, Sink Date, Transport
Biochar: Measurement, Mixing Matrix, Organic Matter Measurement, Image of Mixing
Application: Image of Application, Location  

Check out our Projects

We forge strong partnerships in the countries we operate in, seeking to collaborate with people and entities who align with our values and also understand the operational environment the best.

In Execution

Carbonlog Partners

In Development

Cooperativa Ananda

In Development

Atinkana Agroforestry Reserve


Organic Farming Academy

Let's remove CO₂ together with Biochar!

Biochar formed in a heart-shape
See our Projects
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